We create diverse, thoughtful events that cater to our local community.

And we love doing it.

Our signature events


    Our most popular signature event, where people from our community as well as influencers sell their pre-loved clothes, shoes and accessories.

    We consider this to be the freshest thrift market in town thanks to our people, clothes and key visuals.


    One of the aims of Common House is to bring together local creators and brands and we do so with our (almost) monthly intimate market.

    We reunite no more than 12 local brands during each edition and we 100% curate the line-up ourselves to match our vibe and values.


    Monthly intimate gathering of creative entrepreneurs and small business owners in Bucharest. A safe space where we can share stories and discuss our problems over a glass of good wine.

    4 applied masterclasses happen as well every season.


    An intimate pop-up Farmers’ Market that aims to promote local producers, growers and people who are passionate about cooking. A gathering with homemade food and yummy ingredients.


    Our take on a communal feast dedicated to our community. This is a bi-annual event happening around Christmas and Easter, during which we share homemade food, drinks and stories around a big table.


    An event dedicated to plant lovers - a wholesome and passionate community that comes together to exchange plants, cuttings and pots and talk about how to care for them. Happening from time to time.

Collaborative events

Other than our signature events, we offer our space to other people, brands and companies that would like to organize their own events in exchange of a rental fee.

we had the pleasure to work with brands such as l’oreal paris, universal music, solstitiu dinners, rotaract cismigiu, glamour romania, matca naturals and more.

you can choose to organize any type of event you want - and we can help you along the way!

past collaborators we love and appreciate